Why high-profile doctors praise the ketogenic diet
Why high-profile doctors praise the ketogenic diet Aside from countless before and after pictures of formerly-overweight people… Or slews of raving testimonials… What are medically-trained doctors saying about the 28 day keto diet? Well, it turns out quite a lot. For instance, Dr. Oz praised: “The 28 day keto Diet helps people go from a sugar-burner to a fat-burner in half the time it takes with other diets.” Then there’s clinical nutritionist, Dr. Josh Axe, who said this: “Rapid and reliable weight loss for people following a 28 day keto diet is due to lowered insulin levels and the body being forced to burn stored body fat for energy." And Dr. Mercola also stated that: “I firmly believe the 28 day keto diet can be a tremendously beneficial strategy for optimizing your health and disease prevention and treatment plan, including cancer." Powerful testimonials from s...